Call: 07809 209 258
Gas Services
We are Gas Safe certified and are transparent about our prices so there aren’t any surprises:
Gas Safe Service Charges
- Plumbing & Heating Repairs: £60 per first hour, then £35hr thereafter.
- Gas & Boiler Repairs: £60 per first hour, then £35hr thereafter.
- Boiler Servicing: £751
- Boiler Servicing + Gas safety Certificate: £902
VAT not applicable.
Charges apply Mon-Fri 9:00 to 17:00. Minimum of one hour includes travel time, vehicle costs and fuel. Additional work is charged at 30 minute increments. Rates exclude materials. Visits to diagnose issues (particularly with boilers) are chargeable at the standard gas and boiler rate.
- Fixed price servicing.
- When carried out at the same time.